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with Locations Throughout Florida
Why We Love ageRejuvenationtm Providers
With industry-leading expertise since 2007, AgeRejuvenation’s goal has always been to provide the utmost quality of care possible.

Chief Executive Officer, Brett Markowitz, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Suarez, created a unique practice model for regenerative medicine that focused on addressing the anti-aging and weight loss needs in patients at the root cause.
They formulated a plan that pinpoints the necessary treatments for aging such as weight loss solutions, sexual dysfunction treatments, with a focus on hormone balancing in peptide therapy, as well as aesthetics.
“In functional medicine, we see the body as an interconnected whole, within a larger environment. In this way, we can find the right tools, at the right time, individualized for that person.”
– AJ Piovesan, PA-C
Winter Park Provider
What is Functional Medicine?

Finding the Root of the Problem is the Beginning of the Solution
Functional medicine places patients at the center of a holistic approach to medical care and looks at the patient as a whole being in order to determine the root causes of symptoms. It is a true partnership between patient and provider. At Age Rejuvenation, we use evidence-based medicine and natural treatment methods designed to activate your innate healing mechanisms.

Creative Solutions Blending Holistic Healthcare to Find Real Solutions at the Root Level.
Dealing with physical changes that come with aging and weight gain can be difficult, but the Providers of Age Rejuvenation are there to help you with real solutions at the root level. With comprehensive diagnostic testing, they are able to pave a path that is individually tailored to meet your wellness goals.

PulseWave for ED
AgeRejuvenation clinics offer several safe and effective treatments for ED without the use of medications that have lingering side effects.
Erectile Dysfunction treatment options include:
Tri-Mix or Quad-Mix
P-Shot, PRP, & Stem Cell
If you are looking to increase your performance with your partner and gain your confidence back, one of our ED treatments can be your answer.
Medical Weight Loss
Whether you have an underlying health condition like hypothyroidism, age-related hormone imbalances, or other weight-inducing problems, AgeRejuvenation can provide you with a personalized solution to jump-start your weight loss journey.
With AgeRejuvenation, you can achieve your health goals and create a vibrant, more fulfilling lifestyle.
Look and Feel Your Best with
Innovative Therapies
Hair Restoration
Like millions of men around the world, you might have noticed the unwelcome signs of hair loss and balding. Genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, and other underlying medical issues can cause your follicles to thin and fall out. Thankfully, board-certified AgeRejuvenation practitioners can discover which hormones are lacking and reintroduce them to your body to slow and even reverse your hair loss.
Menopause Therapy
Perimenopause and menopause can leave you feeling dull, drained, and moody. Not to mention all of the unwanted symptoms such as weight gain, low libido, and hot flashes. AgeRejuvenation has a solution to combat all of the aches and pains of menopause hormone imbalances. They re-establish the natural hormonal balance within your body through a variety of safe applications. Put your body back into equilibrium and kiss menopause symptoms goodbye!