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5 Myths About Carbs + Weight loss


When it comes to weight loss, carbohydrates seem to have become the most avoided type of nutrient. The first culprit people typically blame on health and weight issues are carbs like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and even fruit.

The truth is, not all carbs don't deserve such a bad rap. After all, they're our premier source of energy.

Carbohydrates keep us functioning at our peak and provide a steady stream of energy to fuel our day. Carbs for the body, are like a battery pack for our cell phones or gasoline to a car. When it comes to eating carbs, it's all about choosing the ones that provide the most benefits for the body - in balance with other nutrients.

Here are 5 Myths about eating carbs while trying to lose weight:


Complex, high-fiber, nutrient-dense carbs like fruit, veggies, beans and whole grains not only are broken down slower than simple carbs, but also keep you feeling fuller for longer and help to stabilize your blood sugar — both important things when weight loss is your aim.


Carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other macronutrient. The real culprit is eating in excess. Balancing your diet with high-fiber carbs, lean proteins and anti-inflammatory fats like olive oil and avocado is key.


GI can be a useful tool for people with diabetes or volatile blood sugar levels and it's true that low-GI foods tend to promote weight loss however, the GI doesn't tell the whole story.

FOOD PAIRING MATTERS: Eating higher-fiber carbs that have less added sugar along with anti-inflammatory fats is the easiest way to keep blood sugar levels on an even keel.


When you hear ​simple carbs​, you likely think of empty-calorie foods like sugar, candy and syrups. Though sweets do fall into this category, nutrient-dense foods like fruit and milk are also simple carbohydrates. Milk and milk products are the leading source of bone-strengthening calcium and vitamin D, while fruit is a great source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants and immune-boosting vitamin C, along with potassium and fiber.


While some white carbs are refined and thus, lacking fiber and nutrients, don't forget about other white carbs like cauliflower, mushrooms, bananas and white carrots. These offer a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber that your body needs.


In moderation, all carbs can fit into a healthy diet and weight-loss plan. If you're curbing your carb intake, make sure your total calorie count is still appropriate for your energy demands and focus on eating a balance of nutrients to avoid deficiencies or health issues down the road. Choosing the right carb sources, eating in moderation, and pairing with sources of lean proteins, anti-inflammatory foods and healthy fats is a great way to get on the path to better wellness.



Tutera Medical

Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Dr. Mel studied Women, Gender, Sexuality, and History of Science and Medicine at Harvard University for her undergraduate degree. Interested in learning skills of medical mediation and to promote cultural competency amongst health care providers, she completed a Master’s degree in Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. Subsequently, Dr. Mel acquired a Naturopathic Medical Degree at Bastyr University in WA. While in school, she received additional training in Biological Medicine under the tutelage of Dr. Thomas Rau of the Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland. Dr. Mel completed training in Regenerative Medicine, Integrative Oncology, Medical Aesthetics, BHRT, Neural therapy, Biofeedback, Homeopathy, Botanical Medicine, Environmental Medicine, and IV Therapy.

Post-graduation, Dr. Mel entered a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine program as well as a Masters in Ayurvedic Medicine. She received training in Medical Aesthetics from the National Laser Institute and became certified as a Wahls Protocol Health Professional (The only certified provider in AZ). Dr. Mel completed the post-graduate certification as a Swiss Biological Medicine Provider from the Swiss Biological Medicine organization. Her training at Swiss Biomed concluded with a one-on-one internship with Dr. Thomas Rau in Switzerland. While in Europe, Dr. Mel received training in the use of the Weber Endolaser for intraarticular/ intravenous/ interstitial/topical applications directly from the inventor, and founder of ISLA, Dr. Michael Weber. In addition, Dr. Mel studied PRGF-Endoret therapies at the Biotechnology Institute (BTI) in Bilbao, Spain, where PRGF was developed and patented by Dr. Eduardo Anitua, who was the founder of BTI.

Dr. Mel received additional training in PRP at the National Institute of Medical Aesthetics and became certified in all Vampire Therapies. She recently completed the Integrative Cancer Therapy Fellowship from the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M). She is currently completing the A4M Stem Cell Therapy Fellowship and Peptide Therapy Certification.

Lastly, Dr. Mel has personal experience with her own health concerns, in that she has treated herself, which has resulted in the elimination of all medications. Today, Dr. Mel is able to mountain bike, hike and travel the world in pursuit of her passion for learning the latest innovations in medical theory and clinical practice, and mineral and fossil collecting.


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