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5 Warning Signs Of Mental Fatigue

We are programmed to live BUSY lifestyles. The constant schedule & running to-do list we have in our heads can leave us feeling DRAINED! Mental fatigue is a common problem that can affect your work and personal life. You may not even realize you’re experiencing it until it becomes so bad that your friends or family members notice something is wrong. If you suspect you have mental fatigue, don’t wait to address the issue.

These are some signs of mental fatigue:

You’re ignoring your feelings.

It's normal to feel frustrated, sad or angry when we're tired. Feelings are a natural part of life; ignoring them will only lead to more problems. If you ignore your feelings, they will come out in other ways. For example, if you're feeling angry but don't acknowledge this emotion then it may show up as irritability or impatience towards others. If you notice yourself ignoring your feelings while working long hours then try taking a break from work every hour or so just so that you have time to yourself where no one else is there to distract you from knowing how you really feel about things at work at that moment in time (this doesn't mean leaving early though!).

You’re feeling hopeless or helpless.

When you're experiencing mental fatigue, it can be difficult to think about the future in a way that feels hopeful or optimistic. It's common for people who are fatigued to feel hopeless about their situation. If you notice yourself expressing this idea, it may be an indication that you need some time to rest and recuperate.

You’re being too hard on yourself.

If you're noticing that you tend to be overly critical of yourself and your actions, it may be a sign that your mental fatigue is starting to take its toll. It's normal for people to feel the occasional pang of guilt or shame about something they did or didn't do—we all make mistakes. But if this feeling becomes more frequent or intense, then it may be time for some self-care.

Mental fatigue can also lead us to compare ourselves with others who seem to have everything figured out: A friend gets an awesome new job and enjoys working in an environment that makes her happy; another friend travels the world and has no shortage of exciting adventures. Comparing our lives externally like this can create feelings of inferiority, leading us down a path toward self-doubt and lower confidence levels. We might think: “There must be something wrong with me because I'm not where they are yet." Or conversely—"I don't deserve as much happiness as they do." Instead of comparing yourself negatively to others (or even yourself), try focusing on what makes you unique and special—and celebrate those qualities!

You can’t focus on anything.

If you find yourself having difficulty focusing on anything, it may be a sign of mental fatigue. This can mean you have trouble concentrating or focusing on one thing for long periods. It can also be hard for you to focus on conversations, reading material, or simple tasks.

You have a hard time making decisions.

Decision fatigue is a real thing. When you're mentally exhausted, it becomes much more difficult to make decisions, even small ones like what to wear or which coffee shop to go to. In fact, there's even a term for this: "decision fatigue." This means that when you're mentally tired, your ability to make sound choices diminishes.

How to overcome it

In the end, it’s important to recognize mental fatigue so that you can work on overcoming it. The best way to do this is to keep yourself aware of what signs of mental fatigue look like and be careful about how you respond when they appear. Taking time for yourself can also help in avoiding these symptoms.

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