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8 Reasons WHY You May Have Stopped Losing Weight

The process of losing weight, be it for health reasons or personal fitness goals, typically is a challenge for most people.

You are not alone in your struggles. Many people will have major set backs, encounter difficult habits to break, or even experience personal victories with their weight loss.

So, with all of the ups and downs that come with the weight loss process, we recommend going into it with a plan and an open mind. Therefor, here are 8 reasons why you may have stopped losing weight and how to help get through theses challenges.

1. Retaining Lots Of Water

Water or fluid retention occurs when excess fluids build up in your body. Water retention may cause swelling in your hands, feet, ankles, and legs. It also can be a likely cause of excess weight. With that being said, water makes up about 60% of the human adult body, thus making it essential to human health.

Studies have shown that water retention can be caused by dietary deficiencies (such as insufficient protein or vitamin B1) or certain medications (including high blood pressure medication and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). A proper balance of nutrition is key to managing water weight.

2. More Muscle means More Weight

Did you know that the more you work out, you can gain weight due to muscle growth? Lean muscle mass that you add by building your muscles with exercise or weightlifting, can actually increase your weight.

It's important to remember that muscle weighs more than fat, which can make it seem like you have stopped losing weight, even though you are losing fat.

It’s not only about the number on the scale, it’s about being healthy! So, monitor the scale in relation to your level of weight lifting to evaluate whether or not your weight loss has plateaued, or you are just adding more muscle mass.

3. Weight Loss Plateau

Weight loss plateaus can be frustrating and demoralizing when you feel you have done everything right on your weight loss journey. Plateaus are a normal part of the weight loss process. In fact, nearly everyone experiences a stall at some point.

Some steps to help you out of a weight loss plateau can include:

  • Reassess Daily Eating Habits

  • Cut More Calories

  • Add more Exercise

  • Monitor Overeating

  • Add more Protein

  • Eat more Fruits & Veggies

If you're experiencing a stall on your weight loss plan, reach out to a medical provider for more tips on your personal needs and goals.

4. Cheating On Diet

If it's done in a healthy way, having a scheduled cheat day each week can sometimes be good for weight loss by preventing binge eating, helping to reduce cravings, providing a mental break from dieting, and boosting your metabolism.

FACT: The only one who can really hold you accountable for your health, is you! So ensure you aren’t cheating too much and too often.

5. Constipation

Many people underestimate the value of a daily bowel movement. It’s so important to ensure you have a healthy gut and digestive system. Taking regular probiotics can be a game-changer in helping to aide in proper digestion and gut health.

Constipation and weight gain can actually go hand-in-hand in some cases. Chronic long-term constipation is shown to increase the risk of bowel cancer, especially in older individuals. Speak to your medical provider if you notice chronic constipation.

6. You aren’t Lifting Weights

Weightlifting can support weight loss by building muscle mass. Having muscle mass on your body aides in burning everyday calories, which keeps you on the path to maintaining healthy weight. Thus, it's typically best to add both weight training and cardio to your workout regimen, especially if you are someone who likes to regularly indulge in food.

7. Not Enough Protein in Diet

Eating protein at 25–30% of daily calories can boost metabolism by 80–100 calories per day and make you automatically eat several hundred fewer calories per day. It can also drastically reduce cravings and desire for snacking.

The recommended daily intake of protein is suggested to be 0.8 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg of body weight, dependent on the many factors related to your health. People who are highly active or wish to increase muscle should ideally consume more protein.

8. Eating too Many Calories

Studies have consistently shown that people underestimate their calorie intake by a significant amount and many people who have trouble losing weight are simply eating too many calories.

To take in fewer calories than you burn, it is recommended that cutting 500 to 750 calories a day to lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week is helpful.

8. Imbalanced Hormones

As we age, our bodies naturally start to produce less testosterone and other important hormones that aide us in feeling well and youthful. This can be one of the leading reasons a person has a hard time losing or maintaining weight.

With a simple blood test, you can determine whether or not your body is deficient in certain hormones, vitamins or minerals. Bio-identical hormone therapy can help replenish the hormones that the body has lost and supplementing minerals and vitamins can aide in providing balance.

Common symptoms you might experience with imbalanced hormones can include:

  • inability to lose weight or stubborn belly fat

  • irregular or absent periods

  • mood swings

  • always hot or cold (cold feet & hands)

  • hot flashes

  • anxiety or depression

  • brain fog

  • poor mental clarity or loss of thought

  • painful sex due to a lack of lubrication

  • low desire to have sex

Contact Prosper Direct Health today to set up a consultation and be on the right path for good health with weight balance.

Call TODAY to if you're ready to start living a better, healthier life!

Prosper Direct Health

5402 Morganside Ave., Suite B

Sioux City, IA

Call 712-218-3743

Information originally posted by


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