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Caffeine VS Sleep

Ahhh the age-old question, "should I nap or drink another cup of coffee"! Are you the type of person who needs coffee to get out of bed? You're not alone! Actually, 85% of Americans are drinking a cup of joe each morning. So why are you so tired & how is coffee affecting your sleeping patterns & overall wellbeing? Let's find out!

Why coffee is so popular

For many working-class individuals, coffee is their go-to drink of choice in the morning. Being creatures of habit the morning ritual can be comforting and it becomes second nature. Coffee can also foster social interaction for many. Coffee shops around the world bring together business associates, new couples, friends & family! It's easy to see why so many people love coffee but how is it affecting your health?

How coffee affects your health

We all know how coffee can help improve our quality of life in the moment but how is that daily cup affecting your well-being? Coffee is a well-known stimulant of the central nervous system, caffeine blocks the adenosine receptor to keep you from feeling sleepy. These effects can delay the timing of your body clock and reduce the amount of deep sleep you need to restore your body. Caffeine has also been linked to the following complications:

  • Increased nervousness

  • Feeling restless

  • Worsened anxiety

  • Upset stomach

  • Nausea & vomiting

  • Increased heart rate

  • Elevated breathing rate

Why you're waking up tired in the first place

If you're getting a full night's rest & still waking up tired this could be your body warning you of something. Hormonal changes can greatly disrupt sleep patterns and sleep deprivation along with caffeine can wreak havoc on your hormone levels. This becomes a vicious cycle for some people and instead of finding the root cause of their sleepiness, they continue to use caffeine for short-term benefits not realizing how it's affecting their long-term health. The two key hormones involved in your sleep cycle are melatonin & cortisol. The levels in which they are released fluctuate during different parts of the day and help regulate your internal clock. Caffeine specifically elevates cortisol levels which can throw off sleep long after consumption.

Breaking the cycle

For those experiencing hormonal imbalance, it's probably best to avoid coffee altogether. This may be easier said than done as most avid coffee drinkers are addicted to the caffeine found in coffee. Here are a few tips to keep your morning routine & cut the caffeine habit.

Try a morning workout:

An intense morning workout can help wake you up and keep you going throughout the day.

Switch to Tea:

A hot cup of tea can provide the same comforting feeling of a cup of coffee without caffeine. This will allow you to keep your morning ritual without the negative effects coffee can have on your hormones.

Have a cup of decaf

If you aren't ready to give up the taste & smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee try & opt for decaffeinated instead.

Improving hormone levels for sleep

If you're waking up tired it may be time to get your hormone levels checked.

Learn more by checking out other articles on My Wellness by Nature!


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