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Surprising Wellness Benefits of Botox

Botox benefits for migraine and excessive sweating
Can botox be used for more than wrinkles?

Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment that has been around since the 1990s. Botox is used to treat wrinkles and other signs of aging and can help smooth out lines and wrinkles on your face. While Botox is best known for its wrinkle-reducing properties, it also has other surprising benefits that might make you consider getting it done by your doctor or a licensed professional.

Some botox benefits for wellness and other amazing uses may include:

Woman enjoying relief from migraine with botox

Botox is FDA-approved to treat wrinkles.

You may have heard of Botox, but are you aware that it’s the only FDA-approved treatment for wrinkles? It’s also one of the most studied and researched wrinkle treatments.

Botox is FDA-approved for:

  • All forms of glabellar lines (also known as “frown lines”) in adults aged 18–65 years;

  • Crow's feet (wrinkles around your eyes) in adults aged 19–65 years; and

  • Hyperhidrosis armpits or underarms in people aged 18 or older.

Botox may help with migraine relief

Botox can help treat migraines.

If you suffer from migraines, you may be able to use Botox to treat them. Botox is a neurotoxin that can reduce the severity of headaches by relaxing the muscles around your eyes and forehead. It's also been found to help reduce the number of migraines per month and their duration.

Botox may help reduce excessive sweating.

Sweat glands are controlled by nerves. Botox blocks the signals from those nerves, so it can help control sweating. The effect is not permanent, but if you have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), Botox may be an effective treatment for you. Botox injections can be used to treat sweating in the armpits and hands and other areas of excessive sweating like the face or chest. This procedure requires a series of injections at regular intervals over several months or years to keep your sweat glands calm and under control.

botox is used for TMJ and jaw tension

Botox may help with TMJ and jaw tension.

TMJ is a disorder that can affect the jaw joint and cause pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, headaches, and other symptoms. Sometimes TMJ is related to grinding the teeth or clenching one's jaw during the day. Botox may help relax the muscles in your face that cause TMJ symptoms by reducing muscle spasms in your jaw and neck. Studies have shown this treatment can reduce pain by an average of 38% as well as reduce stiffness (50%) and headaches (57%).

Botox may help with overactive bladder.

Overactive bladder is a condition where you have to urinate frequently and it's common in women. It can cause a lot of discomfort and embarrassment, so it's good that there are treatments available. Botox can help with overactive bladder by relaxing the bladder muscles, making it easier to hold urine until you're ready to go number one or two.

Botox may be able to help with vertigo symptoms.

You may have heard of vertigo, the sensation of dizziness or spinning. If you have it, you can feel like the world is moving around you, even though it isn't. It's actually caused by a problem with your inner ear and end up feeling this way for no reason at all. What causes vertigo? Vertigo occurs when something in your ear changes how it sends messages to your brain about how you're standing and moving through space. This can happen after an injury or infection such as those that cause Meniere's disease (which often affects one ear), but anyone can get it at any time for reasons unknown--this is what doctors call "benign paroxysmal positional vertigo" (BPPV). Vertigos also tend to be short-lived but can last longer than just a few minutes if they don't resolve on their own; they may reappear if another sudden change happens in your head or neck position instead of resolving naturally.

Botox can help with relief from pelvic pain for women.

Dyspareunia (painful intercourse) is a commonly reported symptom in women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer. In fact, dyspareunia is one of the most common sexual side effects after mastectomy surgery and radiation therapy. Botox injections into the vagina have been shown to reduce symptoms associated with painful intercourse in up to 90% of patients who tried it. Dysmenorrhea (premenstrual syndrome) is another common gynecological condition that can be helped by Botox injections into your pelvic floor muscles Dyschezia (difficult or painful bowel movements) affects millions of men and women each year, causing them pain when they go to the bathroom as well as a loss in quality of life. Interstitial cystitis involves pain and discomfort associated with urination that typically occurs only when the bladder is full.*

Featured medical partner Tutera Medical

Locations in Arizona

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